Preconception ~ Planting a Seed

Before we plant seeds, we always take time to care for the soil. We know that when the soil is rich, a seed will grow and flourish.

This is the same for preconception.

When we tend to our bodies (the soil) prior to planting the seed, it impacts the environment that the seed is sewn into. When we eat nourishing foods, heal our own birth trauma, and work on ourselves (both physically and mentally) prior to conception….we are laying a strong foundation for a new soul to land.

Thanks to my teachers, this was the approach I took to my conception. In Ayurveda, there are many beautiful processes and traditions to prepare for conception. I took a year prior to conceiving to work on myself and my body. My partner and I conducted an Ayurvedic cleanse to start. Then we focused on the eating more nourishing, nutrient dense foods, did bodywork, and emotional work. We focused on enjoying life and the things we love before our lives changed. We worked on strengthening positive habits, and our relationship.

In Ayurveda it is believed that taking the time to prepare our bodies will open the door to welcome a specific soul. If you are planning to conceive and would like to take action in creating a grounded foundation for yourself, your partner, and the soul you wish to call in, I’m always happy to share my resources & process <3