Simple Morning Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a simple, quick and satiating breakfast. Oats are nutrient dense and filling because they increase in volume in the gut. This slows down digestion and allows nutrients to be properly absorbed. From an Ayurvedic perspective, oats are grounding, heavy, and sweet. They are great for pacifying pitta and vata. If you are feeling heavy or lethargic in the morning, skip the oats and just have stewed apples. 

Yield: 1 serving


  •  1⁄2 cup organic rolled or old fashioned oats

  •  1 1⁄2 cups water 

  • ¼ tsp ground cinnamon 

  • ¼ tsp ground cardamom (optional and best during warmer months) 

How to Make Simple Oatmeal:

  1. Pour water or water into a small saucepan and bring to a simmer. 

  2. Add oats and bring to a low boil while stirring occasionally. 

  3. Add desired spices and stir. 

  4. Cook for 5-7 minutes (depends on your stove and pot). Most of the liquid should be absorbed and the oats should be soft. If you like a soupier consistency, add more water. 

  5. Cool and enjoy.


  • For a creamer version, you can cook in your milk of choice or add at the end when the oats are almost done cooking. Cook until desired consistency.