Cranberry Chutney

Cranberry Chutney Description: Ayurveda recognized 6 tastes that tell us a great deal about what we are eating and combining. When combined, these 6 tastes create a delectable, satiating meal. The 6 tastes are sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent. Since there are no sweet tastes in the other recipes, this chutney is a nice add-on to the kitchari. This will round off the meal and hopefully stave off any post-meal sweet cravings.

Yield:  ~2 cups


  • 1 (12 oz bag) of fresh organic cranberries

  • ⅓ cup of honey

  • ½ cup orange juice

  • Zest of one orange 

  • 2 cloves

  • ½ tsp cinnamon

Kitchen Supplies:

Large-medium sized saucepan

Dry measuring cups

Liquid measuring cups

Measuring spoons

Rubber scraper

Box grater

Optional: mason jar to store

How to Make Cranberry Chutney

  1. First, pick through the bag of cranberries and discard any rotten ones.

  2. Wash and dry the orange. Zest it on a box grater (just zest the vibrant orange skin, not the white underskin which is bitter.) Place the zest to the side. 

  3. Slice the orange in half. Squeeze ½ cup of the juice into a liquid measuring cup. Discard and seeds. 

  4. In a medium saucepan, combine the cranberries, orange juice, cloves, and cinnamon.

  5. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium-high heat, then reduce heat to medium-low, stirring occasionally. Once most of the cranberries have popped (about 5 to 10 minutes), turn the temperature off. 

  6. Remove the pot from heat. The chutney will begin to cool and thicken.

  7. After you’ve cooled the chutney for 5-6 minutes, stir in the orange zest and honey. Give it a taste and add more spices or honey as needed. Remember, it should be slightly tart and not too sweet. 

  8. Once the chutney cools entirely, store it in a mason jar in the fridge.